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Gymnastics Showcase 2023

Wow! What an incredible year-end showcase we had last Sunday! 

We were so thrilled to have all the parents, friends and gymnastics community present in the theatre to witness the incredible achievements of our talented gymnasts over the past year. They put on an amazing display of strength, flexibility, and grace that left us all so happy and proud of them. 

This show it was particularly special for us as 2023 marks our 10-year anniversary! And here we are a decade later with a thriving club and a family of gymnasts who inspire us everyday. 

But this showcase was about more than gymnastics. It was about the dedication, perseverance, and passion that our gymnasts embody every day.  It’s about the community of support that surrounds them , from the coaches and staff who guide them, to the families and friends who cheer them on. 

Thank you to everyone that helped our club to put on this showcase. We are really grateful to have so many people supporting us in this kind of events. Without you, this wouldn’t be possible. THANK YOU!!!

To purchase and view photos, please click on this link and contact Photographer Marjolene through whatsapp or textmessage +853 6313 3961